Fish Oil Helps The Heart When Under Stress - More Omega 3 Benefits

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There's more compelling research on the Omega 3 Benefits front!

Researchers from Michigan Technological University have found that consuming fish oil can help improve cardiovascular response to mental stress. Results were published in the February 2013 issue of American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.

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67 healthy  men and women in their 20's, who neither suffered heart problems nor high blood pressure, were given either 9 grams of fish oil per day or 9 grams of olive oil per day in this randomly controlled double blind study. Their cardiovascular response to mental stress  was tested before the start of the study and at its conclusion 8 weeks later.

Chalk one up for the benefits of Omega 3s, when researchers found that heart rate and muscle nerve reactivity in response to mental stress were blunted in the fish oil group but not the olive oil group.

The researchers found no difference between the two groups' heart rates when subjects were not  put under mental stress. Also, fish oil didn't seem to make a difference when it came to blood pressure.

The researchers used arthithemetic exercises as their chosen way of ramping up participants' stress levels. That would work for me!

While the researchers didn't know exactly  by what physiological mechanism the fish oil blunted the usual cardiovascular response to stress, they speculated it may have  affected the function of the stress hormone epinephrine aka adrenaline. 

Regardless of how it reduces cardiovascular stress, the results affirm previous research that has pointed to Omega 3 benefits when it comes to the cardiovascular system and the heart. Anything that helps the heart and cardiovascular system cope better with stress, including fish oil, is good for heart health and may play a role in cardiovascular disease prevention.

Preparing yourself for a mentally stressful chore - whether doing your taxes or studying for exams? -  Consider topping up on your fish oil or grilling a salmon steak beforehand.

For more information on Omega 3 Benefits and related health and nutrients discussions, check out the below links...

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Vitamin C

Omega 3s

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