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The Low Down on High Blood Pressure Supplements

Hypertension affects approximately 1 billion people worldwide and is thought to increase the risk of heart failure 2 to 3 times as well as other conditions like dementia, stroke and kidney disease.  It is important to keep it in check.

High blood pressure supplements

While lifestyle, dietary and drug measures can lower or maintain a healthy blood pressure, like regular aerobic exercise, maintaining a normal weight (a BMI between 18 and 25) and avoiding excess sodium; high blood pressure supplements can play a role.


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The low Down on High Blood Pressure Supplements – What must the supplements do?

High blood pressure has several causes and, therefore, can be treated on several fronts. These include the following:

  1. thinning the blood (reducing clotting);
  2. moderating sodium intake;
  3. avoiding or reducing arterial deposits (atherosclerosis); and
  4. maintaining supple arteries (avoiding arteriosclerosis).

High blood pressure supplements must play a part in the above in order to prevent hypertension.


The Low Down on High Blood Pressure Supplements – Which ones?

  • Potassium is a mineral that you can get through food or supplements. Along with sodium and chloride, potassium plays an important role in the body’s electrolyte balance, essential for maintaining a healthy blood pressure. While too little or too much potassium can be a problem, potassium deficiency is more common. While there are many dietary sources of potassium like lentils, chickpeas, sunflower seeds and bananas; potassium supplements can be an effective way to boost yours to normal levels. One efficient way of cutting back on sodium and increasing your potassium is to substitute sodium chloride table salt in cooking and at table with potassium and magnesium salt – one such high potassium/magnesium combination is called Pansalt but there are others on the market including Cardia Salt.


  • Fish Oil – Fish oil contains anti-inflammatory and blood thinning Omega 3’s which help the arteries stay supple and thin blood so it is less likely to form life threatening blockages that can lead to heart attack or stroke. Look for fish oil supplements containing EPA and DHA. For more on the benefits of Omega 3’s, press here. If taking blood thinning medication like Warfarin, don’t supplement fish oil before speaking with your doctor, as it could increase the effects of the medication.


  • Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin and effective anti-oxidant needed for building and maintaining the flexibility of blood vessels including arteries. While vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables are an essential source of vitamin C, physical and emotional stress can deplete vitamin C levels severely. This can leave you vulnerable to inflammation and blood vessel damage that can contribute to high blood pressure. Vitamin C levels must be continually maintained and supplements can make this happen.  Press her for more on how much vitamin C to supplement.


  • Magnesium is a dietary mineral that, when deficient, can result in high blood pressure among other conditions. Magnesium functions by relaxing nerves – important when it comes to relaxing blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Magnesium is found in green leafy veg among other foods. Deficiency unfortunately is widespread. Calcium supplementation can worsen magnesium deficiency. Because of this whenever you supplement calcium, take a combination calcium-magnesium tablet. Aim for a 2 to 1 ratio between calcium and magnesium intake. Press here for more on the benefits of magnesium including dosing as well as the benefits of calcium.


Heart Health

High Blood Pressure

Heart Supplements


Healthy Balanced Diet


Vitamin D


Vitamin C

Omega 3s

The Low Down on High Blood Pressure Supplements – For more info on that and related topics…

Press here to read about a healthy heart diet fundamentals.

Press here to read about heart healthy supplements.

Press here for more about grapes and their role in a heart healthy diet.

Press her for more on the benefits of Vitamin C as one of the key high blood pressure supplements.

Press here for more on fish oil supplements and Omega 3s generally.

Press here for more on the benefits of magnesium and how it can play a role in decreasing high blood pressure. Check out magnesium foods for dietary sources of this important mineral.

Press here for more on the benefits of calcium.


Press here for more on an anti-inflammatory diet.

Press here for more on inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods.

Press here for more on the orac values and anti-oxidants.


Press on Healthy Diet Blog for timely news about health and nutrition.

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